Toni is Typing is a collection of musings, media recommendations, personal essays, and more written by a Black lesbian Jersey girl. This newsletter serves as my creative outlet to connect deeper with myself and enthused beings who find their way to me. There's always something to talk about here, and viewers of what I like to think of as my digital diary can revel in the wonders of my brain and even learn something new. It's all happening! It's a blessing to explore my passions and unabashedly express myself in the way this space has allowed me to, and I'd love for you to join me.

Many thanks and much love,


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Open to all, but a perfect match for lovers of film, television, music, personal essays, and musings. Words from a girl who knows nothing and absolutely everything; welcome to my variety show: Toni is Typing.


Maintaining my joie de vivre by consuming art and babbling about it (and releasing all my other thoughts too).